\"What Has Quarantine Made Us Grateful For?\" Series Post #14: Donovan Dokoupil, Design Specialist

In this time of great uncertainty, we at LRE, are choosing joy. By reflecting not on the negative but on the positive things in our lives, and being grateful, we are hoping to spread just a little bit of that joy during this time. This is the fourteenthpost of an ongoing series we will continue amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, where members of Team LRE share what being "quarantined" has made them grateful for...
Post #14: Donovan Dokoupil, Design Specialist - LRE Foundation Repair
"I am grateful that this has opened our eyes to the little things that we take for granted. For example, not having to social distance, company meetings all in attendance, going to one store to find eggs and not three or four different stores, going to Sam's club and buying bulk toilet paper before there wasn't any, etc. I'm most grateful for our willingness and perseverance to still provide for our LRE families and customers, even if it is with a mask and gloves or virtually! Love redefining this industry."