LRE Spreads the Joy with Charity Raffle

LRE Foundation Repair and Main Street Fabrications raised $2,500 for Feeding Children Everywhere and Kids Central through the LRE Christmas and Holiday Party Raffle. Both companies had full participation in terms of team members purchasing raffle tickets. LRE also collected all kinds of food, clothing, cleaning products etc. this month for Kids Central.
While employee participation exceeded our expectations for these charities, we couldn't have done it without the help and generosity of dozens of vendors donating such great raffle prizes. LRE cannot show enough appreciation both for their employees and these vendors!
LRE Foundation Repair lends a hand to Florida residents on a daily basis by providing sinkhole remediation services, foundation repair and concrete leveling. LRE offers emergency response, as well as a 15-year limited transferable warranty for sinkhole stabilization.