LRE Foundation Repair Supports Local Anti-Bullying Organization

LRE Foundation Repair recently volunteered their time to help promote the "Stand Up to Bullying" campaign. Volunteers help to set up tables and banners at Pasco-Hernando Community College's Spring Hill campus, where students signed anti-bullying pledges.
The college partnered with "The Miguel Challenge," an anti-bullying organization whose goal is to promote awareness about the mental, physical, and spiritual damage that results from bullying. The group was founded after 12-year-old West Hernando Middle School student Miguel Rodriguez took his own life after years of bullying.
Through community sponsors and donations, The Miguel Challenge is working to establish four scholarships that will be awarded to one senior in each of Hernando County's high schools who demonstrate acts of kindness. LRE Foundation Repair is a proud sponsor of The Miguel Challenge.
"Like all Hernando County residents, LRE Foundation Repair was heartbroken to hear Miguel's story," said Frank Vitale, LRE general manager, and vice president. "You can't help but feel for this family and everything they have gone through. It is truly tragic. But it's a credit to his family that Miguel's tragedy can result in awareness and good for other victims of bullying and their families. The fact that LRE can have a part in supporting Miguel's family in this very worthwhile cause and event is something we're extremely humbled by and proud of."