What steps are involved in the Sinkhole Repair Process?

LRE Foundation Repair works closely with insurance companies and homeowners. They will ensure an efficient, smooth and thorough repair. The following steps will assist in this process:
- First, and foremost, you need to call your insurance company. They will, more than likely, assign an adjuster to your claim, as well as hire an engineer to test the soils on and around your property.
- If the soil testing shows sinkhole activity and remediation is needed, the engineer will then craft a plan for repairs.
- At that time, you will likely be able to entertain bids from contractors, sinkhole and cosmetic.
- Youwill then be able to hirethe sinkhole contractor of your choice.
- Yoursinkhole contractor should then review the engineering report, conduct a site surveyfor sprinklers, wells, power lines, etc., pull the necessary permits, and execute an NOC ( Notice of Commencement).
- At that time, the sinkhole repair work will be performed and completed.
- Following the work, the sealed engineering completion report will be delivered, as well as the warranty or guarantee documents.
- Next, a cosmetic contractor will need to be chosen by you or your insurance company in order to perform the cosmetic repairs.
- Finally, a TNOC (Termination of Notice of Commencement) is executed.
Our highly trained and professional staff is available for free consultations, andto answer any additional questions you may have at any time.