Central Florida Sinkholes More Common Than Most Think

With national attention swirling around the disastrous sinkhole that took a man's life in Tampa, it's important to understand the true risks and repair options for homeowners in Central Florida.
As experienced Sinkhole repair specialists, LRE Foundation Repair was quoted in a recent video piece produced for clickorlando.com. Jim Flynn, Marketing Manager at LRE Foundation Repair explains the tests and repair options customers have available to them should they suspect that their home is built over a sinkhole.
Calling an expert engineering firm with experience in sinkhole response and stabilization is the best first step. However, engineering tests are very expensive. Flynn explains that homeowners might start by monitoring the cracks in their homes to ensure that they are not getting bigger.
Flynn explains that fatalities due to sinkhole damage are extremely rare, but he does encourage homeowners to understand the risks and take precautions with testing.
To watch the full video, please clickhere
LRE Foundation Repair based in Brooksville, FL, and ready to serve the Central Bay Area, is the company professional engineering firms, insurance companies, and homeowners rely on the most for emergency sinkhole repairs. LRE's Sinkhole Emergency Response Team (S.E.R.T.) is able to mobilize anywhere in Florida to repair and/or stabilize an emergency dropout. Call us today for an estimate.