LRE Foundation Repair helps Brooksville homeowners repair three sinkholes

Following Tropical Storm Debby, one Brooksville home was left with flooding and three large sinkholes in the front yard. LRE Foundation Repair, a local foundation and sinkhole repair company was quick to lend a hand. The company contacted the family and son, Richard Gray was happy to see that something would be done to hopefully save his childhood home. Unfortunately, Richard's mom Lily Fielder passed away after a battle with leukemia, before she was able to see the home being repaired.
ABC Action News spoke with Frank Vitale of LRE Foundation Repair who says the company wants to help any way they can. The Brooksville-based sinkhole repair company is a leading contractor in the area, with experience repairing sinkholes just like those in the Fielder's yard.
LRE Foundation Repair is the trusted sinkhole repair company in Brooksville. We offer services for damaged foundations, unstable soil, and sinkholes. We also have an emergency sinkhole repair team who can mobilize to anywhere in Florida, whenever you need them. Contact us now to schedule an estimate!