Fagin Jr. Running Away With Opportunity

His friends sarcastically nick-named him \"Quick\" because of his lack of speed on the football field. But that adjective is the perfect way to describe Eddie Fagin Jr. and the approach he's taken since joining LRE in 2009.
After spending a short period of time on his grout crew, Fagin Jr. was promoted to Foreman. Since that time, Fagin Jr. has established himself as a top performer.
\"Eddie works extremely hard and goes above and beyond on a consistent basis,\" said LRE Gen-eral Manager Frank Vitale. \"Eddie adapted to his Foreman position quickly, and he's a great asset and ambassador for LRE\"
Although he doesn't work with any of them directly, Fagin Jr. has three cousins that work for LRE All suffered a tremendous loss when Eddie's father passed away suddenly of cancer in Sept. While work helps him escape a cruel reality, Fagin Jr. said LRE's support has been helpful.
\"We spend more time together than we do with our actual fami-lies,\" Fagin Jr. said of his LRE colleagues. \"The entire company has been very supportive. They weren't pushing me to get back to work. They were encouraging me to take whatever time my family and I needed . They sent flowers. They didn't know my father, but it was like they knew him. I don't think they'll ever know how much that has meant to me and my family.\"
In 10 years, the husband-to-be and father of two boys said he hopes to \"be somewhere sitting next to Ray.\" While CEO Ray Woolever will be retired by then, Fagin Jr. would be just fine working with LRE in a decade.
\"I love it here,\" said Fagin Jr. \"LRE treats you fair. They offer opportunity, and they reward the people that do something with it. I can honestly say this is the best place I've ever worked.\"