Letter from the CEO

There are so many things to be grate-ful for this time of year. With the year drawing closer to an end, let's reflect on some of our prouder feats and moments in 2012.
LRE Foundation Repair surpassed the 4,000 mark for total residential and commercial projects completed since my wife Susan and I began this journey in Feb. of 1989. Believe me when I say Susan and I have been very blessed and have a plethora of people to thank for the success LRE has had over the years. We're so proud to have worked with so many great team members, property owners and professionals in the industry.
With success comes more responsibilities, one of which is giving back to the community. That's why we've once again teamed up with the Salva-tion Army to \"Adopt a Family\" for the third year. We are hoping to have great participation again in the raffle at LRE's Christmas Party on Dec. 8., with the proceeds going to New Be-ginnings. LRE's generous team mem-bers also continue to support our military, namely \"Gifts from Home.\"
Apparently others have taken notice of the generosity of LRE and itsthoughtful team members. The Kiwanis Club of Brooksville Ridge and Tampa Bay Builders Association each recently presented LRE with awards for going above and beyond in both organizations. We are flattered.
It's also amazing to see our team come together in support of a variety of other efforts, including Breast Can-cer Awareness Month (our team looked great in pink), and LRE events like Halloween-Scream.
In February, LRE will embark on its 24th year in business. We truly are humbled by the amount of help we've received - and provided - through-out those 24 years, and look forward to making 2013 another eventful chapter in what has proven to be a successful book of work.
- Ray Woolever