Stair-step Wall Cracking
Stair-step cracking patterns in the walls of a home can be concerning, as they are usually a clear indication that the foundation is unstable.

Site Preparation
Before the LRE team can begin installing the helical piers, soil must be carefully removed from the site.

Helical Pier Placements
The helical piers are placed in precise locations along the home's foundation before they are mechanically driven into the soil below.

Installing Helical Piers
After removing the appropriate amount of soil and determining the correct placements, the LRE team begins mechanically driving the helical piers below the foundation until the proper depths have been reached.

Complete Helical Pier Installation
The helical piers have been successfully installed and positioned below the foundation footing, allowing the weight of the home to now transfer to the more compact soils below.

Site Cleanup
After completing the job and confirming the stabilization of the foundation, the LRE team carefully replaces the previously removed soil to conceal the helical piers, creating a seamless appearance.