Stair-step Wall Cracks
Although not immediately noticeable at first glance, these hairline stair-step cracks on the exterior walls of the home were key indicators of foundation settlement.

Worksite Preparation
The foundation stabilization process begins by preparing for the installation of the helical piers, which involves removing the appropriate amount of soil at each designated pier location.

Installation of Helical Piers
After the soil has been removed, the LRE team drives the helical piers into the ground below the foundation footer through the use of specialized equipment.

Helical Pier Depths Reached
The helical piers are driven into the ground until they reach the appropriate load-bearing soil layers deep below the foundation.

Complete Helical Pier Installation
Once the stronger soil layers have been reached, the helical piers are then bracketed underneath and to the side of the foundation footer. From there, they stabilize the foundation and attempt to lift it back into its proper position.

Concealing Helical Piers
After each helical pier has been successfully installed and the foundation stabilized, the LRE team carefully conceals each pier with the previously removed soil to achieve a seamless appearance for the homeowner.