Photo Album: Stabilizing Settling Foundation in Saint Petersburg, Florida
In Saint Petersburg, Florida, Jon observed that the back right corner of his home had settled, leading to stair-step cracks in the exterior walls and noticeable gaps between the bricks. As the problem progressed rapidly over the course of just a month, Jon reached out to us at LRE Foundation Repair for assistance. Our expert Design Specialist conducted a full home inspection and confirmed that soil settlement had occurred on the right side of Jon’s home. A plan was developed to stabilize the settling section of the foundation using our helical pier system. With Jon’s approval, our team proceeded to install the helical piers deep into the soil beneath the home, effectively transferring the weight of the house to the stronger, more stable soil layers below. Jon’s foundation is now permanently stabilized, granting him peace of mind that his home is now safe and secure. With this comprehensive solution in place, Jon’s foundation is now permanently stabilized, providing him with peace of mind that his home is safe and secure.
Brick Wall Separation
The homeowner was alarmed by the noticeable gaps that had appeared between the bricks in the exterior walls of their home.
Settling Foundation
In just one month, this section of the home's foundation had settled significantly, prompting the homeowner to seek a comprehensive solution.
Stair-step Cracking Patterns
A common indicator of settling foundations is the appearance of stair-step cracks along the exterior brick walls of a home.
Installing Helical Piers
The LRE team utilizes specialized equipment to install the helical pier system deep into the soil beneath the foundation.
Complete Helical Pier Installation
The helical piers have been fully installed, successfully providing permanent stabilization to the homeowner's foundation.