Seam Separation
The homeowner noticed that the seams in the exterior walls on one side of their home were gradually separating, raising concerns about the home's structural integrity.

Excavating Soil for Helical Pier Installation
The LRE team begins the helical pier installation process by carefully removing the cement pavers and excavating the necessary amount of soil to prepare for the installation of each pier.

Helical Pier Installation
With the use of specialized equipment, the LRE team installs each pier deep into the soil beneath the foundation until stronger soil layers are reached.

Complete Installation of Helical Pier
Once the helical piers reach the load-bearing soil, they are securely bracketed to the home's foundation. This allows the weight of the home to be transferred to the stronger soil layers, effectively stabilizing the foundation and preventing further settlement.

Concealing Helical Piers
To complete the helical pier installation process, the LRE team carefully covers each pier with the previously excavated soil and replaces the removed cement pavers, providing a seamless appearance.