Large Voids Form Underneath Home
Large voids or holes had opened up underneath this home.

Voids Around Foundation of Home
These voids exposed the foundation allowing moisture to enter the home. These unstable soils also resulted in sloped and sagging floors.

LRE Takes Careful Measurements in Home
LRE worked closely with engineers to measure not only the home but radar measurements of the soils underneath the home as well.

Exposed Foundation Due to Voids Under Home
LRE was able to get to work digging trenches around the foundation floor to assess damage and remediate the problems.

Foundation Remediation to Prevent Moisture Damage
Before the deep injection materials could be placed underground, LRE first addressed the failing foundation that allowed moisture into the home. Proper sealing of this will prevent future damage from occurring.

LRE Injects Chemical Grout to Fill Voids
In addition to filling the voids underneath the home, chemical grout works its way through the soils, bonding to them and stabilizing them under the home. This will allow for a more stable and sturdy structure on top.

Releveling and Stabilizing Floors
Flowable fill can also be installed inside the home and injected through core drill holes. First the carpet is removed to expose the concrete flooring, and then the holes can be drilled and material installed.

Completed Drill Holes in Floor
Once all material is successfully injected through the holes, the holes are smoothed out and covered back with original carpeting so they are not visible any longer.

Stabilized Home Upon Completion
Once LRE completed the project at this home, the landscaping was replaced and the work site cleaned up, leaving minimal proof that work was even completed.