Sinking Pool Deck Causing Cracks
The sinking of this section of the pool deck was causing issues where the coping and deck meet. Gaps were forming as the homeowner's concerns grew.

LRE Measures Cracks Before and After Work
PolyLevel is often used to not only lift concrete, but also level it. LRE takes careful measurements of all cracks, gaps, and the like to ensure proper leveling is achieved.

Gaps In Between Coping and Pool Deck
When cracking creates measurable gaps, it can also create future problems with moisture intrusion or worse. LRE was called to address the cracks around this pool.

PolyLevel Completion to Pool Deck
LRE completed the injection of PolyLevel around this pool. PolyLevel is injected through very small drill holes and a two-part expandable foam is used to create the necessary lift. Once complete, the small holes are filled in and smoothed out.

Pool Deck Lifted
Upon completion of PolyLevel, this pool deck's cracks were closed as the deck was lifted back into place.