Cracked Pool Deck
This homeowner's pool deck was getting increasingly more damage as the years went on due to a failing drainage system located by her pool deck. LRE was able to remediate the problem with PolyLevel and new downspouts.

Improper Drainage Near Pool Deck
Water was continually pooling up around the pool deck causing unstable, loose soils and erosion. These underlying problems caused cracks to form in this homeowner's pool deck, which soon became a tripping hazard. LRE Foundation Repair designed the perfect solution to remedy this homeowner's problems.

Erosion and Unstable Soils Around Pool Deck
Loose and unstable soil conditions were partly to blame for the growing cracks in this homeowner's pool deck. LRE had to design a drainage system that would divert water away from the foundation and pool deck.

LRE Takes Careful Measurements of Property and Water Drainage
LRE Foundation Repair completed an inspection of this home, measuring and notating all areas that needed attention. Improper drainage and water flow were causing this homeowner to experience growing cracks in the pool deck.

LRE Team Member Injects PolyLevel Around Pool Deck
PolyLevel is a two-part expandable foam material that is used to lift and relevel concrete slabs and pool decks. PolyLevel successfully lifted this pool deck, closing some of the more substantial cracks and removing tripping hazards.

PolyLevel Injection Around Pool Deck
PolyLevel was injected in various spots around this pool deck to add lift, closing the cracks and removing trip hazards. PolyLevel is injected through small drill holes, and as the foam material expands, it compacts the loose soils underneath and lifts the decking so it's level again.

Pool Deck Re-leveled and Cracks Closed
Once this project was complete, this pool deck was able to be lifted and releveled, eliminating signs for cracks and damage to the deck.