Concrete Trip Hazards and Cracks
Soil settlement has affected the concrete courtyard at the healthcare center, resulting in an uneven surface and the emergence of dangerous trip hazards, as well as numerous cracks throughout the slabs.

Settling Concrete Slabs
The concrete slabs of this walkway have settled lower into the ground due to soil erosion underneath, resulting in trip hazards that pose a threat to the healthcare center's staff and patients.

PolyLevel Injections
The first part of the Two-Part Concrete Protection System, PolyLevel, is injected underneath the concrete to lift and level the uneven slabs.

NexusPro Solution for Concrete Cracks and Joints
The second part of the Two-Part Concrete Protection System, NexusPro, is applied to the concrete cracks and joints to protect against water infiltration underneath and prevent additional soil settlement.

Complete Concrete Repair and Stabilization
The Two-Part Concrete Protection System has been fully implemented to repair the healthcare center's concrete courtyard and permanently stabilize it against future settlement damage.