Erosion and Water Intrustion
Improper drainage systems can lead to erosion, and ultimately moisture intrusion into homes. This can lead to all sorts of issues if not addressed quickly.

Prepping the Site
One of the first steps in the PolyLevel application process is to measure the slope of the floors and strategically mark where drill holes will be. PolyLevel is applied in multiple areas of a worksite in order to flow smoothly and evenly under foundations.

Holes Drilled in Concrete
Holes are carefully spaced out and drilled directly into the concrete slab. These small holes allow for PolyLevel to be injected through small ports, and the material can easily flow under the surface of the foundation.

PolyLevel Installation
PolyLevel material is injected into each small hole, which then expands on contact. This chemical reaction is meant to fill voids and solidify soils while working to lift and re-level concrete where needed.

Flooring Smoothed Over
Once the PolyLevel application is complete, the small drill holes are filled in with concrete and smoothed over for an even finish. Some interior slabs are covered with tile or carpet, while other concrete slabs, like driveways and sidewalks, are cleaned and color-matched until the surface is in like-new condition.