Ineffective Downspout Drainage
The homeowner noted that the downspouts on this side of the home would release large volumes of rainwater, leading to flooding in the area due to the absence of adequate drainage.

Beginning Installation of Drainage System
The LRE team starts the installation of the new drainage system by removing the pavers and excavating soil to prepare for placing the underground drainage pipe.

Connecting Downspouts to Underground Drainage Pipe
The downspouts will be directly connected to the underground drainage pipe, which will be installed next.

Drainage Pipe Installation
The underground drainage pipe, to which the downspouts will be directly connected, is positioned in a trench previously excavated by the LRE team.

Burried Downspouts
Once the downspouts are connected to the underground drainage pipe, the previously removed pavers and soil are replaced, effectively burying the downspouts underground.

Concealing Drainage Pipe
After the drainage pipe has been fully installed, the LRE team carefully conceals the system with the previously removed soil and sod, ensuring a seamless appearance.

Pop-up Relief Drain
Positioned at the far end of the property, a pop-up relief drain is installed at the end of the drainage pipe, where the water from the downspouts will be routed and discharged.