Exterior Wall Cracks
Exterior wall cracks are a common sign of foundation issues. This crack would open up even after being patched and painted.

Helical Pier Installation
Helical piers are installed near the edges of exterior walls and drilled into soils, stabilizing them as they go. These piers are then attached to the home's foundation and are able to achieve lift to areas that need it.

Helical Piers Installed Around the Home
These helical piers were installed around the perimeter of the home to achieve the much-needed lift the area needed. Once the foundation is lifted, cracks are closed and able to be sealed up for good.

Pier Installation Using Small Construction Equipment
Helical piers can be installed using small construction equipment that can fit in small areas around the home. Piers are used to prevent future settlement issues from occurring.

Foundation Lift Using Helical Piers
Once installed, helical piers are connected to the footer of the home and all can be lifted simultaneously to achieve desired lift and releveling.