Stair Step Cracks Indicating Stabilization Issue
Stair step cracks, some an inch or more deep, were a growing concern for this soon-to-be homeowner. Utilizing the PolyLevel system, most of these cracks were diminished when the foundation was stabilized and lifted.

Cracks and Gaps in Brick Wall Construction
During the pre-construction process, this home's builder noticed cracks growing in the newly formed brick walls, along the concrete slab floor, as well as many other places indicating a large problem with the foundation underneath.

Deep Injection Due to Washout of Soils
Washout, erosion, and ground heave were just some of problems this site was experiencing, creating problem areas around this future home. LRE carefully injected PolyLevel, an expandable foam product that successfully lifts concrete slabs and stabilizes loose soil conditions.

PolyLevel Injection at the Site of Unstable Soils
Erosion washed out a lot of the soils surrounding this foundation. LRE was able to inject PolyLevel around the exterior of the home to create additional stability and prevent washout from occurring. PolyLevel was also injected under the interior slab as well, so all areas are treated.

PolyLevel Injection Under the Interior Slab During Pre-construction
Deep injection of PolyLevel created the proper amount of lift and soil stabilization this concrete slab needed before additional building could be completed. PolyLevel is injected through small drill holes and expands almost immediately to create a more stable foundation. It's easily cleaned up and the holes are covered leaving no trace of damage behind.