Cracks Along Pool Deck
This home had significant damage around the pool deck, as well as inside and outside the home. It was experiencing severe settlement.

Voids Underneath Home
Not only did this home have cracks in the walls and around the pool deck, but it also had large voids near the foundation. The homeowner called LRE for a solution to the settlement issues.

Cracks in Pool Deck Causing Problems
The cracks in the pool deck were causing issues for this homeowner, so he called LRE for a solution to repair the cracks and stabilize the home.

Pool Deck Cracks
Cracks along the pool deck that increase in number or size are typically indicators of a settlement problem. This homeowner called LRE Foundation Repair for the solution.

PolyLevel Injection Around Pool Deck
LRE crew members injected a two-part expanding foam product, called PolyLevel, around the pool deck and around the exterior of the home. PolyLevel provides stabilization where it's needed due to settling issues.

PolyLevel Installation Around Exterior of Home
PolyLevel is a two-part expanding foam material that can not only lift and relevel concrete slabs and decks, but can also allow for compaction and stabilization of loose soils that cause foundation problems.

Helical Pier Installation
Not only was PolyLevel used to stabilize the soils beneath this home, but galvanized steel piers were also drilled around sections of this home to add to the stabilization solution. Helical piers are drilled into the soil and attached to the footer of the home. These piers can be lifted simultaneously to relevel floors and close cracks.

Helical Pier Brackets Installation
Once helical piers are in place, a bracket is attached to the top and to the home as a permanent fixture. These brackets and piers are buried so they are not visible once the job is complete.