LRE Measures All Damage
LRE Foundation Repair takes careful measurements of all damaged areas of the home during their free whole-home inspection.

PolyLevel Deep Injection
PolyLevel material is injected at designated areas around the home to expand and fill gaps and voids where loose soils may cause foundations to sink.

Expanding PolyLevel
PolyLevel expands quite a bit and can not only solidify soils but create lift to areas of a foundation that are unlevel.

Helical Piers Installed Around Home
Helical piers are galvanized steel piers with an auger-like anchor attached that is drilled into the ground, much like a screw.

Galvanized Steel Pier Installation
LRE installs helical piers to compact and stabilize soils under a home that have been compromised and caused damage.

Helical Pier and Bracket Attachment
Galvanized steel brackets are affixed to each helical pier and attached to the home's footer. Both pieces are buried underground once the job is complete so no visible trace of the support system is noticed.

Job Site is Clean Up
LRE takes care in cleaning up the job site every day. With projects like this one, the helical pier system and Polylevel material are all buried underground, so the new support system is hidden.