Stairstep Cracking on Exterior Wall
A very common sign of foundation settlement is the presence of stairstep cracks on the interior or exterior walls of a house, signifying a shift in the foundation.

Interior Wall Cracking
The concrete block wall displays significant cracks on the interior side, indicating foundation instability.

Door Frame Cracking
Cracks around the frames of doors and windows are a clear sign of foundation settlement.

Helical Pier Installation
Helical piers are mechanically driven into the soil, and when they reach the appropriate depth, steel foundation brackets are placed beneath and secured against the foundation footing. The piers take on the weight of the house, lifting and stabilizing the foundation.

Helical Pier Solution
Once the helical piers have been mechanically driven into the soil below, the weight of the foundation is transferred to the pier, which will lift and stabilize the home.

Helical Pier Concealment
After the helical piers have been successfully installed, they are then concealed and covered to maintain a discreet appearance.

Complete Foundation Stabilization
With the successful installation of the helical pier system, the home is now stabilized, and the cracks on the exterior wall have been closed.