Cracks in Ceiling
One of the clearest indications of foundation settlement is the emergence of cracks in a home's ceilings. Frequently, gaps may become noticeable where the walls meet the ceiling, as is evident in this case.

Window Frame Cracks
Cracks emerging from the corners of window frames are a common indicator of foundation settlement.

Installation of Helical Piers
After identifying the appropriate locations for the helical piers, the LRE team will excavate the soil and initiate the mechanical driving of the piers into the earth until the required capacities have been achieved.

Complete Helical Pier Installation
Once the installation is complete, the helical piers will work to permanently stabilize the foundation, preventing any further settlement from occurring.

Seamless Appearance
Upon completing the work, the LRE team will replace the excavated soil and cover the piers, ensuring a seamless appearance on the site.