Exterior Wall Cracks
Horizontal cracks in the exterior walls are an initial sign of a settling foundation for homeowners.

Stair-Step Cracking
A very common sign of foundation settlement is the emergence of stair-step cracking patterns in the walls of a home.

Interior Wall Cracks
Along with exterior walls, cracks on the interior walls are also a clear indication that the home's foundation has settled.

Installation of Helical Piers
The LRE team initiates the installation of helical piers by excavating the soil in the designated locations. The piers are then mechanically driven into the soil until they reach the appropriate depths and soil capacities.

Complete Helical Pier Installation
The helical piers have been successfully installed. The weight of the home can now be transferred through the piers to the deep, competent soil below, lifting the settling foundation back to its original position. From here, the removed soil will be replaced to cover up the piers for a seamless appearance.