Exterior Wall Cracking
The most obvious sign for the homeowner that their foundation was settling was the emergence of cracks on the exterior walls of the home.

Hairline Cracks
Small, hairline cracks can appear between each block in a wall when a foundation begins to settle. Often going unnoticed, these cracks tend to widen over time as the problem worsens.

Temporary Cosmetic Fix
A common measure taken to patch up cracks in walls is to use temporary cosmetic fixes to cover up their appearance. While this may enhance the visual appeal, the underlying issue remains, and the cracks will eventually open back up.

Helical Pier Installation
The LRE team installs the helical piers into the soil below key areas of the home's foundation in order to provide permanent stabilization against settlement.

Complete Helical Pier Installation
The helical piers have been completely installed, providing the support needed to stabilize the home. The soil that was previously removed will then be replaced to conceal the piers underground.