Stair-step Cracking in Exterior Walls
The homeowner grew increasingly concerned as he observed stair-step cracking patterns emerging on the exterior walls of his home in recent years, a clear indication of foundation settlement.

Horizontal and Vertical Cracks in Exterior Walls
A common indication of foundation settlement is the presence of horizontal and vertical cracks along the exterior walls of the home. Additionally, cracks originating from the corners of window frames also signal that foundation settlement has occurred.

Horizontal Interior Wall Cracks
Cracks have surfaced along the interior walls at the juncture of the ceiling and walls, serving as a warning to the homeowner of an underlying foundation issue.

Preparation for Helical Pier Installation
Once the LRE team has identified the precise locations for installing the helical piers, they excavate the soil to prepare for the commencement of the installation process.

Installation of Helical Piers
The LRE team begins the installation of the helical pier system by mechanically driving the piers into the soil below until stronger soil capacities have been reached.

Complete Helical Pier Installation
The helical piers have been successfully installed, providing permanent stabilization to the homeowner's foundation.

Worksite Cleanup
With the helical pier system successfully installed, the LRE team cleans up the worksite by concealing the helical piers with the previously removed soil to allow for a seamless appearance for the homeowner.