Door Frame Cracks
Interior wall cracks extending from the corners of door frames is a very common symptom of foundation settlement issues.

Interior Ceiling Cracks
The homeowner knew there was an issue with their foundation when they noticed cracks along the ceiling inside their home.

Measurements for Helical Pier Locations
The LRE team takes careful measurements to find the appropriate locations around the home's foundation to install the helical piers.

Helical Pier Installation Preparation
Once the exact locations for each pier have been determined, the team carefully removes the appropriate amount of soil and positions the piers in their proper location.

Installation of Helical Piers
The LRE crew beings installing the helical piers by carefully driving them deep into the ground below the foundation until stronger, more competent soil layers are reached.

Complete Helical Pier Installation
The helical piers are now fully installed and bracketed to the side and underneath the foundation footing, providing the home with permanent stabilization.

Concealing Helical Piers
The final and crucial step carried out by the LRE team after installing the helical piers is to cover each pier with the previously removed soil, ensuring a seamless appearance for the homeowner.