Interior Wall Cracks
The homeowner became increasingly alarmed as they noticed the cracks along the interior walls of their home growing larger.

Horizontal Interior Wall Cracks
A clear indication that the home's foundation was settling was the appearance of horizontal cracks along the interior walls.

Stair-step Wall Cracks
Stair-step cracking patterns along the exterior walls were another clear indication of foundation settlement.

Preparing for Helical Pier Installation
The LRE team initiates the foundation repair process by first excavating soil at the locations where each helical pier will be installed.

Installing Helical Piers
The helical piers are mechanically driven deep into the soil below the foundation until stronger, load-bearing soil layers are reached.

Complete Helical Pier Installation
The helical piers are completely installed and bracketed to the home's foundation, ensuring permanent stabilization.

Concealing Helical Piers
As a crucial final step in the foundation repair process, the LRE team replaces the excavated soil to conceal the piers, ensuring a seamless appearance for the homeowner.