Interior Wall Cracks
One of the tell-tale signs of foundation settlement are cracks in walls, ceilings or floors.

Exterior Stucco Wall Cracks
This Tampa, Florida home suffered from severe settlement, with cracks showing up on just about every wall.

Cracks Around Windows
Upon a thorough inspection to the property, our Design Specialist notated every piece of damage and designed the perfect solution for the home consisting of the installation of helical piers.

Careful Measurements and Design
The entire home, to include the foundation and footer, are measured to ensure the proper placement of each helical pier.

Helical Pier Installation
Small construction equipment is used to get into the smallest spaces and install the pier next to the foundation.

Piers Installed Around Property
Helicals are drilled into the ground like an auger which compacts loose and unstable soils to make them load bearing once more.

Helical Pier Attached to Home
Once all piers are drilled to the appropriate depth and soil stabilization is achieved, each pier is attached to the home's footer, becoming a permanent fixture that creates a life-long solution.

Piers Buried Underground
All work is buried underground once the job is complete. The helical piers are permanently attached to the home, adding the stability needed for this home to stop settling and cracking.

Helical Buried Under Concrete
Some piers are even buried under new concrete slabs leaving no one the wiser that foundation work has been completed.