Exterior Wall Cracks
The cracks in the exterior walls of the home's addition were an alarming sight for the homeowner, prompting them to have the foundation inspected.

Foundation Settlement Damage
The LRE Design Specialist who conducted the inspection identified multiple areas of noticeable foundation settlement damage, including a significant separation between these adjoining walls.

Preparing for Helical Pier Installation
The LRE team begins the helical pier installation by excavating soil at the designated locations for each pier to reveal the foundation's footer.

Installing Helical Piers
Each helical pier is installed by driving it deep into the soil beneath the foundation using specialized equipment until it reaches more stable soil layers.

Complete Helical Pier Installation
Once the piers reach the appropriate depths, they are securely bracketed against and underneath the foundation's footer, allowing the weight of the home to be transferred to the load-bearing soil layers deep below.

Concealing Helical Piers
After the helical piers are successfully installed and the foundation is stabilized, the LRE team carefully replaces the excavated soil, concealing each pier to ensure a seamless appearance for the homeowner.