Interior Wall Cracks
Significant cracks had formed along the interior walls of the homeowner's house, leading them to seek professional help for a solution.

Interior Ceiling Cracks
Cracks throughout the ceiling inside the homeowner's home were an alarming sight, a clear indication that their foundation's stability had been compromised.

Stair-step Cracks
Stair-step cracking patterns had appeared along the exterior walls of the home, a common indicator of foundation settlement.

Helical Pier Installation
The LRE team begins installing the helical piers deep into the soil beneath the foundation using specialized equipment.

Complete Installation of Helical Piers
Once the helical piers reach the appropriate depths in the soil beneath the home, they are secured with brackets attached to and positioned under the foundation's footer. This process provides the necessary stabilization by transferring the home's weight to the load-bearing soil layers below.

Concealing Helical Piers
After the helical piers have been successfully installed and the home's foundation stabilized, the LRE team carefully conceals the piers by covering them with the previously removed soil.