Foundation Repair Photo Album: Foundation Repair and Stabilization in Kissimmee, Florida
Alanna was preparing to sell her home in Kissimmee, Florida, but she needed to have her foundation inspected after large stair-step cracks emerged in the exterior walls of the house. She called us at LRE Foundation Repair, and we quickly scheduled a free appointment with one of our Design Specialists to conduct a full home inspection.
After closely examining the damage, our specialist informed Alanna that significant soil settlement had occurred beneath her home’s foundation, causing it to shift and create the cracks in the walls. To fully stabilize the foundation and close the wall cracks, we created a comprehensive plan to install our helical pier system.
With Alanna’s approval, our team carefully began installing each helical pier deep into the ground beneath the foundation until strong, load-bearing soil layers were reached. The piers were then bracketed to the foundation’s footer, and the weight of the home was successfully transferred to the stronger soil layers, providing permanent stabilization. Alanna can now confidently list her home for sale, assured that the foundation is fully secure and safe for the next homeowner.
Stair-step Wall Cracks
The stair-step cracks along the exterior walls of the home clearly indicated to the homeowner that the foundation's stability had been compromised.
Window Frame Cracks
Cracks appearing at the corners of window frames are a common indicator of foundation settlement.
Installing Helical Piers
The LRE team begins the foundation stabilization process by first excavating soil and installing each helical pier deep into the ground beneath the foundation.
Complete Helical Pier Installation
The helical piers have been successfully installed and anchored to the foundation's footer, transferring the weight of the home to the deep, load-bearing soils below the surface, effectively stabilizing the home.
Concealing Helical Piers
After the helical piers have been successfully installed and the foundation stabilized, the LRE team conceals each helical pier with the previously removed soil.